"Come, follow Me. And I will make you fishers of men."



Talk about the worst thing that could happen to a tumblr-er is to get the “We’ll be back shortly” page notice for at least 7 hours straight and to think it’s not short enough.

The worst thing that could every happen to a painter just did to me. The moment I brought all my paints and works home wanting to continue on them, I realized my easel is broken. Seriously? It came all loose. What a timing.

THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT OR BIRTHDAY GIFT NAO IS AN EASEL. I will love anyone berry much loads if I could have one. I feel handicap now, I bet my painting feels the same. :/

Ah, I want to scream my lungs out. Fret not, actually, don’t get me an easel. I’ll get one myself. SOON. D: Miao.

Portraits. Hmmm.


What Makes You Nervous

Whenever Michael Jordan gets on the golf course and his friends ask the stakes of the game–how much money they’re betting against one another–rumor has it that his stock response is: “Whatever makes you nervous.”

That’s what you should bet on yourself, every time. Not what makes you comfortable, but what makes you nervous.

Your muscles get stronger by running, jumping, lifting weights, by stressing them out, by pushing them, not by sitting on the couch.

Mario Andretti said famously: “If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough”.

And the one-liners could go on and on… Point being that you’ve got to push your comfort level to grow. That goes for your photography, your filmmaking, your art, your vision, your business, your whatever.

You will not succeed if you do not take risks.

– Chase Jarvis

Reason: Random

Joey shared this with me.

Desiring God

That look in your eyes is all that I need.
This world could offer anything, but they can keep it all
Because You, God, are the only one for me.


Job 11:13-19

Yet if you devote your heart to him and stretch out your hands to him, if you put away th sin that is in your hand and allow no evil to dwell in your tent, then you will lift up your face without shame; you will stand firm and without fear. You will surely forget your trouble, recalling it only as waters gone by. Life will be brighter than noonday, and darkness will become like morning. You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid, and many will court your favor.

Psalm 62:8
Trust in Him at all times, pour out your hearts before Him;
God is a refuge for us.

Say It Isn’t So

Open paragraph: “Hugging mickey doesn’t mean I’m a fan of that mouse in red shorts.”
Full stop. Close paragraph.

Notebook spoke what the eye did but never could.
Write write write write write… ‘…a man sees in the world what he carries in his heart.’


Oh! Penguins!! :D!!

Every Kind of Silence

I’m always drawn to the piano and the harmonica. The two instruments I have at home rather.
It actually speaks quite a bit about me doesn’t it?


On The List

Yes. This is my room’s notice board. Okay, it’s a sixth of the notice board. I’ve not started on any To-Dos since holiday started. :/ Heh. Alright, but I’ve done alot of ‘mail-work’ and ‘work-from-the-mail’. And if anyone notices, next week is December already! One more month till the end of the year! I can’t help but think how much a journey 2010 has been! And I want to make the best out of December!

Oh and though in tumblr I said I want to play with AV-1 again. On seconds I think I’m going to love this! Want to learn photography? Start with the films. Aye aye. I’ve never really used Nikon, the last I did was shooting with D3 months back. But that’s digital. Ah, black and white filmssss! So eggcitinggggg.

I’m a complete kid. And I need new book shelves for all my books at home.
My current one is falling apart because of the countless of books weighing a ton.




That’s a rabbit! I thought it was a kitty! Kitties love that position, lying on their backs with their paws up. I wonder if this rabbit could meow. Rabbits are the loveeeeeee. (Y)

Camp’s coming and I want to declare this early. For my encouragement corner, I’d be over the top if you guys can get me JELLYBEANS again! (Reminded me of the first day of camp last year. :X wooops. XD) Jellllllyyyyyybeeeeeaaaaaaaannnnnnssssss! I get high on Jellybeans. Even more on high with Jesus though. Hee! ^^
